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BLOCK 1: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Building a House of Compliant Data with the Oklahoma NG9-1-1 GIS Toolkit

Annie Cahill & Timothy DolanDATAMARK

Barbara Gibson, INCOG

In the summer of 2024, the Indian Nations Council of Government (INCOG) was faced with the daunting challenge of updating their public safety GIS data to meet Oklahoma's strict NG9-1-1 requirements. In this session, hear from INCOG staff tasked with this overhaul of 8 of their jurisdictions' datasets and two of DATAMARK Technologies' public safety and GIS experts on the team's use of the tools within the Oklahoma NG9-1-1 GIS Toolkit v6.1 to efficiently renovate the data well ahead of schedule. Join us to tear down the walls of siloed knowledge and discuss tips and tricks of the trade to help your organization tackle its own data renovation projects and keep your residents and businesses on the map!

Main Hall

Doing Business Analyst (BA) Report with no ArcGIS BA online license using Experience Builder and Dashboard

Dat Nguyen & Mike Sexton, Oklahoma Department of Commerce

A quick introduction with examples how to build Business Analyst (BA) Report with no ArcGIS BA online license using Experience Builder and Dashboard.

Room J

ArcGIS: How to Create a Digital Twin

Greg Hackman, ESRI

Digital twins are everywhere, but how do you build one within the ArcGIS system? This presentation highlights the different phases of building a digital twin, including subsurface assets, ground elevations, and visualizing the natural and built environments while connecting to real-time data sources.

Room D

ArcGIS Field Maps Tips and Tricks for GPS Data Capture

Christopher Zuniga, Bad Elf

Discover the latest tips and tricks for managing field data collection within the ArcGIS Online ecosystem. Learn to create efficient feature layers, customize with Field Maps Designer, configure for high accuracy, visualize data effectively, and implement GPS best practices for reliable results.

This presentation equips professionals with essential tools to streamline field operations and maximize data accuracy.

BLOCK 2: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM


Oklahoma NG911 "The train is leaving the Station"

Lance Terry & Michael Coonfield, Oklahoma 911 Management Authority

Next Generation has several components that must be in place in order to work effectively. GIS is the core component for call delivery. This session will provide an updated on where NG911 GIS remediation is at, the adaptation to new software tools and what the future holds. We hope to answer questions pertaining to timelines, rules, policy and funding availability.

Main Hall

CSA for the OTC: 21 years partnered for address-based sales tax location in Oklahoma, revisited as an emerging hot spot analysis

Jim Anderson & Leah Nash, Center for Spatial Analysis

In 2024, the OU Center for Spatial Analysis (CSA) celebrates 21 years in partnership with the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) providing for technology and products related to Oklahoma's status as a Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement (SSUTA) Full-Member State. In this presentation we share the highlights of our work with OTC as a historical narrative and pivot to a quantitative interpretation with a series of data visualizations/maps. Revisiting 21 years of Municipal and County sales and use tax rates, we approach the sales-taxable geography of Oklahoma in space and time as an emerging spatial process (Emerging Hot Spot Analysis) and present an alternative method enabling tracking of clusters laterally in space over time (the MOVING LISA).

Room J

Get the Lead Out

Jay Hoffmann, ESRI

With GIS, water utilities and municipalities can identify high-risk areas and prioritize their efforts to identify where lead service lines still reside. Esri's Lead Service Line Inventory solution also facilitates proactive monitoring and compliance reporting, ensuring that water systems meet regulatory requirements and provide safe drinking water to communities.

Room D

Outfall Inspections Using ArcGIS Field Maps and Survey123

Jason Kleps, Meshek & Associates, LLC

This presentation will discuss the use of ArcGIS Field Maps and Survey123 to inspect outfalls in the context of MS4 compliance. It will also discuss how post-inspection results can be managed and visualized through ArcGIS Experience Builder and Dashboards, along with ways to enhance the latter using Arcade Data Expressions.

BLOCK 3: 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM


Utilizing GIS in City Government

Chaya Balsiger & Matt Parsell, City of Tulsa

GIS Services supports every department at the City of Tulsa and integrates with several software systems including EnerGov (permitting), Central Square EAM (asset management), Verint (311) and GraniteNet. We currently support approximately 246 applications, 164 in Enterprise and 82 in ArcGIS Online. These applications cover a variety of topics, including. lead service, water main breaks, traffic flow, water and sewer pipe risk, park finder, open data, police monitor, animal welfare, and history of Tulsa stormwater. Our presentation will show a variety of GIS applications that we have implemented – dashboards, surveys, experience builders and story maps.

Main Hall

The Juniper Evaluation Tool: An interactive dashboard for managing juniper vulnerability within the Chickasaw Nation treaty territory

Marco Micozzi, The Chickasaw Nation

Justin Baker, Aqua Strategies

Candace Perry, Daniela Spade, April Mueller, Center for Spatial Analysis

This presentation will highlight a new dashboard created by the Center for Spatial Analysis as a deliverable for a Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Conservation Innovation Grant that was presented during last year’s conference focused on targeting juniper tree species within the Chickasaw Nation treaty territory. In addition, the model that was created to supply data for the dashboard will be explained. The long-term goals of this project are (1) to provide juniper vulnerability information that is aligned with NRCS woody encroachment research to landowners and managers and (2) to develop a methodology, model and outward-facing public tool that can be altered and applied to other parts of the state and country.

Room J

ArcGIS: Exploring the New Web Editor

Zena Pelletier, ESRI

Join us to explore Web Editor, a new app in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. Web Editor is a focused data editing app for simple, advanced, and domain-specific editing workflows. Using Web Editor, GIS professionals can now work in a web browser, supplementing their desktop editing. Share configurations with domain and knowledge workers to help empower them with self-service editing and confidence. Learn about the various Web Editor capabilities and upcoming plans for the app.

Room D

What To Do With Your QL2

Heather Geyer, Fugro

The USGS 3DEP program provides extensive access to quality lidar data across the country. There’s been a recent update to the program with the acquisition of over 36,000 square miles of QL2 lidar data in Oklahoma. In this presentation, we’ll provide an update on the status of the recent collection, highlight how users can make the most of existing and newly acquired publicly available data, and discuss additional opportunities available through the USGS 3DHP and DCA programs.

BLOCK 4: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM


From Paper to Pixels: Transforming Water Quality Management with ArcGIS

David Webb, City of Broken Arrow

Managing water quality is crucial, but using pen and paper can be slow and error-prone. In this presentation, "From Paper to Pixels: Transforming Water Quality Management with ArcGIS," we'll dive into how we revamped our workflows using ArcGIS. I'll walk you through the steps of setting up an ArcGIS Hub and creating custom applications that make data handling more efficient and accurate. You'll see how these tools have streamlined our processes and led to better decision-making. Join us to see how ArcGIS can bring water quality management into the modern age, making it more effective and sustainable.

Main Hall

A Day in the Life of an ODOT Highway Editor

Michael Stockford, Oklahoma Department of Transportation

A day in the life of an ODOT highway editor. How we use ESRI’s Roads and Highways to complete projects as they are completed in the field. Highway projects are extremely detailed and complex and form the backbone of the data on the Linear Referencing System used by the Agency. This presentation will take a look at how we use various resources including georeferenced plan sheets, ESRI’s Roads and Highways, and data domains to update what has been done on the ground in various scenarios.

Room J

ArcGIS Business Analyst: Best Practices Using Artificial Intelligence, Demographic Data, and More

Joseph (Brig) Bowles, ESRI

ArcGIS Business Analyst just keeps getting better! Join us to learn about the artificial intelligence (AI) updates and other enhancements to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App and ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. Discover the data that is available, how this data is sourced, and how you can use Esri and ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World data in your analyses, infographics, and workflows.

Room D

NG9-1-1 Addressing Made Easy

Bruce Hardesty, SAM

Getting it right the first time—that’s what we all want when a new address is assigned. Surveying and Mapping (SAM) has provided NG9-1-1 addressing support for multiple clients through the US for many years to help achieve that goal. Through an easy to use interactive website, users can assign an address and rest assured another set of eyes reviews the address. SAM builds the Integrity TM website platform using the local official, remediated NG9-1-1 state and NENA compliant data—no wonky google addressing here. We will demonstrate the SAM Integrity TM platform and discuss addressing best practices.

SCAUG is a not for profit organization dedicated to benefit users of ESRI’s geographic information software | Founded in 1990 | © SCAUG 2019 |

South Central Arc Users Group

P.O. Box 96

Ardmore, OK 73402

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