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Wednesday, April 24, 2024



Paul Giroux, GISP, Innovation Officer at GSU, Inc;  founder of Slimgim & specializing in Enterprise GIS, Data & Analytics Strategy 

Keynote Presentation: 

Title: How (un)healthy is your enterprise? The importance of constant measurement, patience, and persistence in driving lasting change

In this keynote presentation, Paul explores the parallels between endurance fitness training and organizational health and “vitality”. Just as athletes meticulously monitor progress, enterprises must continuously measure performance indicators to guide strategic decisions. Patience and persistence are the secret ingredient as you navigate the journey of enterprise transformation, recognizing that sustainable change is a gran fondo - a marathon, not a sprint. Join us as he uncovers the transformative power of data-driven insights and resilience in continually shaping a happy and healthy enterprise. And yes, Paul will share stories and experiences that poke fun at his own missteps and lack of performance along the way.


Having started his education with a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Geography from Nippissing University in 1994, Paul has gone on to a stellar career in the geospatial industry. He graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2014 with an MSc in GIS, his dissertation centering on "The Slim GIM Framework: A Pragmatic Geographic Information Management Framework for Assessing and Improving Enterprise GIS and Workflow Health".   He achieved his GISP Professional Certification in 2015, and received the BeSpatial Ontario Leadership Award in May 2023.   He is the founder of the Slimgim enterprise geospatial maturity model and is currently President of Mass Maturity, residing in Canada.


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