Title: 8 Critical Skills You Need to be a Successful GIS Professional
Presenter: Chris Akin– GISP, Dunaway Associates, L.P.
You've gone to school, taken some GIS training classes, logged countless hours creating shiny new maps, and maybe even been promoted or changed jobs a time or two. I'm right there with you. That's been my path as well. And over the last 15 years of being involved in the GIS industry, I've come to realize that there are certain skills that can really make you successful in your GIS career. So I present to you the top 8 skills you need to be a successful GIS professional in today’s world.
Based on an article I wrote here:
Title: ArcGIS use in ODOT’s Cultural Resources Program
Presenter: Kristina Wyckoff – ODOT Cultural Resources Program
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program (ODOT CRP) reviews highway projects receiving federal aid to ensure compliance with federal and state environmental laws. As part of the project planning process ODOT CRP identifies and evaluates potential historic properties (primarily bridges, buildings, and archaeological sites) to assess their eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). This presentation will discuss how staff at ODOT CRP have incorporated ArcGIS Desktop, and more recently ESRI’s mobile Collector app, to plan, survey, and illustrate project information; as well as to maintain databases of current and past project areas, of archaeological sites recorded in ODOT’s right-of-way, and of documented historic bridges. Additionally, this presentation will discuss ODOT CRP’s work to make historic bridge data available for public consumption, including early efforts to create a story map illustrating these resources.Title: Cartographic Principles and Design: Why it Matters to a GIS User
Presenter: Michael P. Larson – Oklahoma State University Cartography Services
A map can be loosely defined as a graphic representation of a portion of the world’s surface and is a powerful communications tool. Because of this, maps are frequently the end product of a GIS. Quite often though, the GIS user has little of no formal training in producing a sound cartographic work. This presentation will examine a number of the major cartographic design principles and concepts and then will discuss some of the most frequent stumbling blocks and pitfalls encountered in map production.
Title: Collector for ArcGIS, Survey123, and Distribution Automation: How They All Work Together
Presenter: April Chipman – Central Electric Cooperative
Central Electric Cooperative has been using Collector for ArcGIS to gather damage information after storms for the past year. Central is now expanding the digital field collection opportunities into distribution automation aspects of the utility, as well as utilizing Survey123 to create new data in the field. Crews in the field can create or update data while administrators in the office can track progress or make quick decisions based upon the overall picture.Title: Drones and GIS
Presenter: Meredith Reeder – Excalibur Technologies
An overview of drone technology complimenting GIS technology. A look at what drones can add to your GIS program. The laws affecting drones and their use. Things to consider in various when selecting a drone or drone company.Title: Droning in Opportunity
Mike Komp – The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
What’s all this hype about drones? The Noble Foundation is embracing this technology to serve agriculture in the Southern Great Plains. We’ll share the successes and challenges we experienced working with this rapidly changing technology over the last year.
Title: From Fighting Fires to Mapping Emergencies: My Journey from the Fire House to GIS
Ronald Vaughn Sr. – Dallas Fire Rescue
I will discuss my journey from being a station officer in the busiest station not only in the city but also in the country, to GIS. I will talk about and show some of the projects we are currently working on in Dallas Fire and Rescue. I will show how GIS was used in the active shooter incident here in Dallas.
Title: A Functional Field Calculator
Carrie Landgraf, GISP – Garver
In the land of Township-Range-Section, or Section-Township-Range depending on the industry, organizations have different requirements for data submittals. And then the data you have to work with stores something completely different in the attribute table. I have been working with GIS software for over 16 years, and I still stumble sometimes trying to manipulate the data to make it work for my needs. In this presentation, I will share skills that I have learned with the Field Calculator, including replace and split functions. Do you also need an easy way to calculate a date field? Well, I can help with that too!Title: How Should Our Region Grow: Land Use Scenarios Analysis of Central Oklahoma
John Sharp – Association of Central Oklahoma Governments
Jennifer Sebesta–Association of Central Oklahoma Governments
Association of Central Oklahoma Governments staff will discuss the land use scenarios analysis undertaken as part of the Encompass 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (the regional, long-range transportation plan for Central Oklahoma). The goal of the analysis was to illustrate the significant impact land use policies have on the transportation system, while investigating potential alternative development patterns that could address some of the issues facing the region in the future. The presentation will include an overview of scenario planning, a discussion of the data and tools utilized in this analysis, and how the results were incorporated into the larger transportation planning process.
Title: The Midwest City Original Mile Story Map
Presenter: Kathy H. Spivey – City of Midwest City
The City of Midwest City is undertaking a multi-phase, multi-year revitalization plan of the Original Mile in the City. This one-mile square neighborhood was once nationally heralded as “America’s Model City”, but retains much of the original 1940s character and look. As the north gateway to Tinker AFB and the eastern boundary of the Oklahoma City metroplex on I-40, the City made a decision to focus much of its recent economic development (in the form of Town Center) and future revitalization in this area. To promote the historical and revitalization focus on the Original Mile, a story map was created to share with citizens, visitors, prospective developers and businesses, and the public in general, a map-based multi-media story of the history of the Original mile from inception to present day and to provide a glimpse at the vision the City has for this area. This presentation will cover how the Story Map was planned and constructed and provide a demo of the Story Map itself.Title: Oil Price and the Oil & Gas industry: A Victim Of Its Own Success
Presenter: Scott Highby – Continental Resources, Inc.
This presentation looks at the various scales of geopolitics that affect oil/gas prices. We hope to answer questions such as: When local gas prices drop below $2.00 a gallon, why do thousands lose their job? What countries are to blame? How is the oil and gas industry a victim of its own success? We will look at the various geopolitical forces around the globe that affect the price of oil, as well as events here at home. We will talk about the horizontal revolution and the improvements in drilling methods, as well as the lifting of the oil export ban here and in Iran. We will also talk about the geopolitical players around the globe including Saudi Arabia, Russian, Iran, Iraq, OPEC, as well as the players here in the Americas including Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and North America.Title: Oklahoma Emergency Management/GIS
Christy Batterson – City of Edmond
Kathy H. Spivey – City of Midwest City
During an emergency event, the more timely and accurate information is made available to those responsible for managing and responding to the emergency, the better the chances of saving lives and minimizing property damage. Maps are often relied on during and after emergency events for making decisions regarding tactical and post-disaster operations and damage assessment and cleanup. To that end, emergency management from the state level down have recognized and voiced a need for a live or semi-live mapping system that can be used by multiple agencies in areas throughout the State of Oklahoma to coordinate emergency response efforts in a standardized way that can be used across jurisdictional boundaries, regardless of the GIS capabilities of any specific area in the state. This presentation will present a high-level overview of a project to organize and develop a standardized, deployable mapping resource that can be called up during an emergency to aid emergency management and operations by providing a shared GIS view of the “whole picture” of an event taking place and the operations that occur after such an event.Title: The Oklahoma Historical Aerial Digitization Project
Presenter: Madeline Dillner – Oklahoma Corporation Commission
At OKSCAUG 2013, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission introduced the Oklahoma Historical Aerial Digitization Project. We talked about the rise of historical aerial photography during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl era. We showed you the 2013 inventory of aerial photographs, and discussed how the OCC gathers, georectifies, and uses the photos in pollution abatement cases.
Now, it has been three years, and this project has come a long way. All of the OCC-gathered photographs are available online, to the public, for free, thanks to the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and Office of Geographic Information.
This presentation will cover several new features of the project, including a searchable inventory of historical aerial photograph locations around the state. It will also show you how to access all of the photographs online. And, it will discuss the overall project goal of crowdsourcing these photos’ georectification.
Title: Oklahoma Statewide Parcel Data Available through OKMAPS
Shellie Willoughby, GISP – OK Office of Geographic Information
Chris Mask – Visual Lease Services
OKMAPS is a collaborative effort of many state and local agencies to provide geospatial data to the public through an online mapping application. The Office of Geographic Information maintains and updates the OKMAPS project with grants through the OK Department of Homeland Security. Now through a collaboration with Visual Lease Services OKMAPS has a statewide parcel dataset available to the public. This presentation will highlight the new dataset along with some of the functionality of OKMAPS. Placemaking in GIS
Taylor Hatchett – Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
Ashley Hicks – Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
Connor Cox – Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
The Chamber is directly involved in economic development efforts to attract new businesses and quality jobs to the Greater Oklahoma City region. This presentation will cover how GIS is used in the process of placemaking to form the Innovation District in Downtown Oklahoma City. In addition, several sources will be highlighted that the Chamber is utilizing for the project including: Oklahoma County Assessor, ACOG, OKCEDIS, the City of Oklahoma City, and the OU Institute for Quality Communities.Title: Promoting GIS in Small Municipalities
Kolbe Andrzejewski– City of Murphy
Garrett Skrehart– City of Corinth
Municipalities with populations around 20,000 face unique GIS-related challenges in comparison to municipalities with populations larger than 100,000. In most cases a small town GIS does not have the plethora of capabilities normally associated with a large city, such as a GIS department and ArcServer. This allows a small city GIS analyst to become well-versed in many aspects of a GIS, which is usually reserved for a whole department. A one man GIS shop is responsible for a range of different tasks from organizing the GIS to field data collection as well as creating maps and maintaining their web maps. This role has its share of challenges and opportunities for creative solutions, which this presentation will illustrate and promote the use of GIS in small municipalities.
The cities of Corinth and Murphy, Texas border the DFW Metroplex, host around 20,000 each, and together are under ten square miles. Small municipalities are challenged in many regards from providing GIS data to their workforce to collecting and organizing geospatial information. Many tools are available to solve these challenges, for instance, the Local Government Information Model, the Collector App, and ArcGIS Online Organization. A GIS is a powerful system full of numerous capabilities that can prove to be a solution for many small municipalities where many challenges are inherently geospatial.
Title: Survey123 Field Data Collect Project OHP Bomb Squad Call Log
Presenter: Christopher L. Rogers – Oklahoma Department of Public Safety
When calls for critical services come they come quickly for the Oklahoma Bomb Squad and time is of the essence. When arriving on-scene to a potential bomb threat it is not the time to decide how you will best collect the critical data that can result in life saving measures or total disaster. Thus, when the OHP Bomb Squad receive calls, they needed a way to quickly and efficiently record the event details, track which technicians and/or K9’s worked the call, and capture pictures or other electronic media regarding the event.
That’s where Esri’s Survey123 comes in! With Survey123 we were able to quickly design and deploy an “OHP Bomb Squad Call Log” to enable the technicians on scene to collect the critical information regarding the potential threat and to quantify and certify training and/or real world activities.
Survey123 for ArcGIS is a simple and intuitive form-centric data gathering solution that makes creating, sharing, and analyzing surveys possible in just four easy steps; Ask Questions, Collect Answers, Analyze Data, and Make Critical Decisions based on valuable data. This presentation will show attendees how to:
1) Quickly design powerful surveys and publish them into ArcGIS
2) Demonstrate logic capabilities through Formulas, Constraints, Calculations, and Relevant Expressions
3) Develop and configure Maps and Apps with Web App Builder
4) Enable Workforce with the Survey123 to manage Service Calls and Assignments
5) Use Operations Dashboard to create a Common Operating Picture (COP) for Emergency Managers
Esri provides a multitude of tools to develop and deploy rich spatial and temporal information solutions. Survey123 provides the tools needed to create mobile deployable surveys that speed up the data collection process by using predefined questions that combine logic and provide easy-to-fill answers, embedded audio and images, and offer multiple language support. Survey123 for ArcGIS supports the XLSForm specification and is easily integrated with other Esri products and/or solutions such as Web App Builder, Workforce, Operations Dashboard, and/or StoryMaps.
Title: Using Python Programming to Integrate eMODIS and NLCD Products to Update OK-FIRE Fuel Model Map
Presenter: Jing Wang– Department of Geography, Oklahoma State University
Satellite remote sensing is widely used to monitor environment phenomena, given the advantages of large area coverage, consistent recurrence and capability to detect spectrum invisible to human eyes. For wildfire management, the substantial amount data from various sensors can tremendously benefit decision makings yet raise challenges for the data processing. As part of the OK-FIRE program, this research utilizes python programming to analyze and integrate raster collections from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and National Land Cover Database (NLCD). The resulted maps of historical vegetation index and fuel models will facilitate better understanding of the vegetation pattern and its impact on fire risk assessment in Oklahoma.Title: Using Python to Automagically Resize Fonts in Label Expressions
Presenter: Clay Barrett– OSU Cartography Services
There are many ways to label features within ArcMap. Manual adjustments, the Maplex Label Engine,and label expressions are all good tools, depending on the scale of work being done. For this presentation I work through an example of using Python label expression to dynamically rescale text within highway symbols in order to efficiently and consistently achieve balanced text placement. Reuse of this script means a little Python can save a lot of time and repetitive clicking.
Title: Whose Line Is It Anyway? – OWRB Water Infrastructure Mapping Pilot Project
Scott Roberson – Oklahoma Water Resources Board
Tracy Scopel, GISP – Oklahoma Water Resources Board
In 2015 the Oklahoma Water Resources Board launched a pilot project to map water, wastewater, stormwater, and water reuse infrastructure utilized by seven to 10 small cities and rural water systems. The OWRB worked with OU’s Center for Spatial Analysis to develop a secure map viewer to enable these systems to access their own data across multiple operating systems and devices. This project provides critical information for local planning, maintenance, and emergency response, and also allows the OWRB to augment and update pipeline information in publicly available water systems GIS data and map viewers. In addition to the systems mapped by the OWRB, five communities whose water infrastructure was mapped by Councils of Government (COGs) will use the secure map viewer to access their data, and the pipeline features will be incorporated into the OWRB’s pipeline dataset.
This presentation will describe the project’s purpose and goals, types of GIS data collected, mapping process and secure map viewer; lessons learned; criteria for systems who are interested in participating in the mapping or using the secure viewer; and plans to expand the project through 2016 and beyond.
Title: Workplace Situational Awareness Project
Presenter: Christopher L. Rogers–Oklahoma Department of Public Safety
When emergency service calls come they come quickly for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and Communications Officers and time is of the essence. When a call for service is received on a severe motor vehicle collision or a potential impaired driver, situational awareness of available emergency and law enforcement resources is crucial.
That’s where Esri’s Workforce solution comes in! With Workforce Communications Officers are able to receive near real-time situational awareness information regarding the resources available to respond to critical service calls.
When a call for service is placed by a citizen, Communication Officers have a way to quickly and efficiently know where their available resources are. By knowing where critical resources are located, they are able to dispatch the closest or best suited resource to the service call location tremendously improving response time enhancing life-saving opportunities during the “Golden Hour”.
Workforce for ArcGIS creates a Common Operating Picture (COP) between dispatchers and deployed resources to quickly and efficiently get the right resource to the right location during those critical “Golden Hours”. Workforce provides a web app for Project Owners to create and configure Workforce projects, define assignment types and user roles. For Dispatchers, Workforce allows them to create assignments and send them to mobile workers via their mobile devices, while also situational awareness of available resources. Mobile workers can see their assignments and work through their To Do list on their mobile devices, complete assignments and immediately report status and assignment completions back to dispatch. Integration with other Esri applications improves organizational efficiency, and operations personnel are provided updates in real-time through a Common Operating Picture or View.