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18th Annual OKSCAUG Conference

  • 21 Sep 2015
  • 7:30 AM
  • 24 Sep 2015
  • 5:00 PM
  • Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus 13301 S. Penn Avenue Oklahoma City, Ok 73170-5007


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Before August 14, 2015
  • August 15, 2015 - September 20, 2015
  • September 21, 2015 - September 24, 2015

Registration is closed
18th Annual
OKSCAUG Conference

2015 OKSCAUG Ignite the Possibilities

September 22, 2015

Moore Norman Technology Center
South Penn Campus
13301 S. Penn Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73170-5007

Early Registration Deadline is August 14, 2015

Click here for directions

Conference Week at a Glance

GIS Workshops - September 21, 2015

1/2 Day Workshops

 For a complete list of workshops please visit the following link:  OKSCAUG Workshops

OKSCAUG Pre Conference Meet and Greet
4:30 - 6:00 pm MNTC Atrium

Conference Day Agenda - September 22, 2015
7:30 -   2:00 pm    Registration
7:30 -   8:30 am    Breakfast / Exhibitor Visit
8:30 -   9:30 am    Welcome and Keynote Address
9:30 - 10:15 am    Break /
Exhibitor Visit
10:15 -12:00 pm    User Presentations
12:00 -  12:45 pm   Lunch / Poster Competition / Exhibitor Visit
1:00 -   1:45 pm    Vendor Showcase Presentations    

1:45 -   2:30 pm    ESRI Technical Sessions
2:30 -   3:15 pm    Afternoon Break /
Exhibitor Visit
3:15 -   4:00 pm    ESRI Technical Sessions
4:00 -   4:30 pm    Closing Remarks

GIS Training - September 23-24, 2015

2 Day Training

 For a complete list of workshops please visit the following link:  OKSCAUG Training

Join hundreds of your fellow GIS professionals on September 22th for the 18th Annual OKSCAUG Conference in Oklahoma City.

SCAUG is a membership organization of GIS professionals using or associated with ESRI products. This regional user group serves members in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. The Oklahoma  Chapter is the fastest growing, and past conferences have drawn attendees from across the region. At last year’s conference we had over 300 attendees and 20 vendors. This year’s conference will feature training, informative sessions, poster exhibitions, and a vendor exhibit hall.

SCAUG is a not for profit organization dedicated to benefit users of ESRI’s geographic information software | Founded in 1990 | © SCAUG 2019 |

South Central Arc Users Group

P.O. Box 96

Ardmore, OK 73402

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