A special thanks to :
The National Weather Center for the facility.
The Center for Spatial Analysis for helping coordinate the event and provide the morning coffee.
Pizza lunch will be provided by SCAUG.
All Foreign Nationals are required to fill out the Foreign National Visitor Form by June 10, 2016 to be able to attend the tour.
Download Foreign National Visitor Form
Download Presentation
In 1993 an archaeologist named David Hally proposed a model of understanding the regional political organization of the 1000-1600 CE residents of the Southern Appalachians. His study was based on the straight-line distance between major centers that where earthen mounds were located. I became interested in whether cost distance in time would be a better fit both theoretically and statistically, but this required simulating both overland travel and canoe travel. This paper will share how this analysis was done, how I came up with estimates for time required for canoe travel, and how this was implemented in GIS. Further, I will describe how this line of investigation led me to the realization that not only were the political groups in question highly structured over space, but that this organization was both highly intentional and recognizable by the participants
Joyce X. Samuel, Marcia Castellanos Aymat - Oklahoma State Department of Health
SCAUG is a not for profit organization dedicated to benefit users of ESRI’s geographic information software | Founded in 1990 | © SCAUG 2019 |
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South Central Arc Users Group
P.O. Box 96
Ardmore, OK 73402