8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
Urban Data Pioneers, How Tulsa is Collaborating to Understand Urban Challenges
James Wagner - Chief of Performance Strategy and Innovation
Office of the Mayor, City of Tulsa
Bio - James leads a team that empowers the city to use data to drive toward strategic goals and lower barriers to adopting innovative practices. Their flagship program, TulStat, provides a forum for city leaders to set goals, use data to track progress and try innovative strategies. Throughout his career in local government, James has led transportation initiatives including the Bus Rapid Transit project planned for Peoria Avenue as well as the region’s bicycle and pedestrian master plan, commonly known as the GO Plan. He is an alumni of the Mine Fellowship and serves on as a trustee of the Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority. He is a graduate of OSU and Georgia Tech with degrees in Finance, City Planning and Civil Engineering.
The Mayor's Office of Performance Strategy & Innovation recognized the need to better understand problems like traffic crashes and blight's relationship with crime patterns by analyzing data. Most of the data exists, but few within the city have data analysis and visualization expertise. Urban Data Pioneers teams people who have a hypothesis they would like to test with analysis and visualization experts inside and outside city hall. The aim is to have teams learn experientially and experimentally.
We provide experiential learning opportunities for city employees and community partners wanting to explore data analysis projects that have a connection to a problem or a citywide goal. Teams have 10 weeks to work on projects and give a report on their findings.
We invite participants who work for the city of Tulsa and any community partners or citizens who want to contribute expertise and time. In the first cohort of UDP, 36 team members made up five teams. Team members represented 10 city departments and 6 outside agencies such as Community Service Council, Code for Tulsa and Growing Together.
Teams work on projects that better inform a policy issue or community-wide goal. For example, in the first cohort, one team looked at traffic safety by analyzing traffic signalization methods to reduce crashes and another looked at the relationship between blighted properties and violent crime rates
9:45 - 10:30 a.m.
Oklahoma Statewide Parcel Data Available through OKMAPS
Shellie Willoughby - GIS Specialist
Office of Geographic Information, OK Conservation Commission
Bio - Shellie is the GIS Specialist for the Oklahoma Conservation Commission for the past 18 years. While working for the Oklahoma Conservation Commission she has been heavily involved in the coordination efforts of the Oklahoma GI Council as well as the Oklahoma Office of Geographic Information, where she currently serves as the Assistant State GIS Coordinator. Prior to working for the Conservation Commission, Shellie received a B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geography from Oklahoma State University. As a member of SCAUG for 17 years Shellie has served on the SCAUG Board in various positions for the past 12 years as well as held multiple positions in the Oklahoma Chapter of SCAUG, where she currently serves as Chair. Shellie loves to travel with her family and has been to 42 of the 50 states. When not at work Shellie can be found enjoying the great outdoors with the two favorite men in her life, her husband, Richard, and her 7 year old son, Andrew.
OKMAPS is a collaborative effort of many state and local agencies to provide geospatial data to the public through an online mapping application. The Office of Geographic Information maintains and updates the OKMAPS project with grants through the OK Department of Homeland Security. Now through a collaboration with Visual Lease Services OKMAPS has a statewide parcel dataset available to the public. This presentation will highlight the new dataset along with some of the functionality of OKMAPS.
Click for OKMAPS
10:45 - 11:45 a.m.
Esri's Open Data App - Leverage Your Investment in AGOL
Michael Beavers - Esri Solutions Engineer
Environmental Systems Research Institute
Bio - Michael is a Solution Engineer with Esri where he focuses applying his product expertise to formulating web-based GIS solutions for customers in Local Government, the Aviation Industry, and in Maritime Ports. Prior to working at Esri, Michael was the GIS Manager for a state-wide, private sector surveying company where he oversaw the implementation and maintenance of an enterprise-wide GIS. Mike has extensive experience in public sector GIS management. He worked as a Senior GIS Analyst, a GIS Manager and a GIS Coordinator in local and regional government. A military veteran, Captain Beavers was an Instructor Navigator in the Air Force. He worked as a civilian commercial pilot, having flown as an airline pilot and in aerial mapping. Michael earned a B.S. from Texas State University, where he concentrated on cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing and computer science. He earned a Master’s Degree in GIS from New Mexico State University.
Katherine Smyth- Esri Solutions Engineer
Environmental Systems Research Institute
Bio - Katherine Smyth is a Solution Engineer with Esri where she works with local governments to support their growth as GIS-powered organizations. Before Esri, Katherine used GIS to support private and public organizations specializing in archaeology, terrestrial planet exploration and natural resources. Katherine earned a BA in Anthropology from CU Boulder in 2007 and an MS in GIS from the University of Redlands in 2013.
With ESRI Open Data, an App that is included with you annual subscription, you can unlock the power of your authoritative data. The power to share it with others! The Open Data App is an Off-the-Shelf tool that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone. Esri’s Open Data App is a configurable tools that you can deploy quickly. Use your existing ArcGIS Online groups to identify data to share, then easily set up public-facing websites for people to discover and download your data in a variety of open formats. Your open datasets are connected to the source and are automatically updated. Come to this presentation and see how easy it is to configure your own Open Data Site.
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks & Door Prizes
Attendees GISP Credits: 4 hours - EDU - 0.1 credit
Presenters GISP Credits: 1 hour - CON - 1.0 credit