Instructor : Michelle Williams (AKA) Survey123 Jedi
Let me start with a quick story. I used to think every Survey123 designer approached their projects like I do—balancing the needs of stakeholders and field crews, creating workflows that foster seamless collaboration. Then, during a podcast episode, I shared my process, and my guest looked at me like I was raising unicorns in a field of California poppies! That moment made me realize this approach isn’t the norm—but it can be.
At this workshop, I’ll show you how to take this ‘unicorn in the poppy field’ mindset and turn it into a practical framework you can apply to your own projects. By the end of this session, you’ll have the tools to create projects that truly work for everyone—your stakeholders, your field crew, and most importantly, you. Let’s get started!
What You’ll Learn:
Why This Course is for You:
How You’ll Learn:
Get Ready Before Class:
Join this workshop and gain the confidence to design, deploy, and analyze powerful Survey123 projects that elevate your GIS work!
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