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Python for ArcGIS

  • 18 Nov 2013
  • 8:30 AM
  • 19 Nov 2013
  • 5:00 PM
  • Moore-Norman Technology Center
  • 5


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Python for ArcGIS
This class is designed with a strong first-day focus on the basic
elements of Python itself. There will be lots of hands-on participation, and opportunities to work exercises both individually and in groups. By the end of day one, we will arrive at using Python on the ArcGIS 10 command line, and in field calculations. On the second day we will focus much more on scripting, and especially on ESRI's "arcpy" module. We will
explore the creation of geoprocessing scripts, debugging, handling errors, and specific methods to access and modify GIS data and files. As on the first day, there will be lots of hands-on participation and exercises to reinforce the material. By the end of day two, we will be creating geoprocessing scripts from scratch and even wrapping them back into Arctools.

Day 1 Agenda - Focus on Python
- Introduction
- Variables
- Iteration
- Conditionals
- Field Calculations in ArcGIS 10
- Python Modules
- The ArcGIS 10 Commandline

Day 2 Agenda - Focus on ArcGIS
- Python and ModelBuilder Reviews
- Basic Geoprocessing Scripts
- Debugging/Handling Errors
- Working with Files and Data
- Tool Re-Integration

GISP Credits Attend 2 day training : 16 hours - EDU - 0.4 credits

Instructor: Matthew Collier -

"Matthew has been using the Python programming language for wrangling data, and task automation since 2006. He developed his first Python workshop for beginners in 2010 and has taught numerous programming workshops directly for academia, and industry professionals. Matthew's recent major Python experiences include teaching at the 2012 SCAUG conference in McAllen, and the 2013 OK SCAUG conference in OKC; The Geoprogramming class at OU in the fall of 2012; And, a collaborative programming project at the USGS to modernize a tool for spatially stratified random sampling from AML into Python."

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